Juvenile Fire Setter Program
The Caribou Volunteer Fire & Ambulance Department is a proud participant in the FEMA Juvenile Firesetter Program. Four members of the Dept. have received certification as Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist ( JFIS 1).
The goal of the program is to provide resources to parents and children in order to determine the motivation of juveniles, who have been assessed and identified as risks, for firesetting behavior.
The JFIS team members are trained to conduct interviews, assess the needs for further interventional resources, and to mitigate the occurances of firesetting behaviors in children.
All records and finding are held in the strictest confidence, and are used to determine if further diciplinary measures are needed to prevent future firesetting activity.
The Caribou Fire & Ambulance JFIS specialists are; Jim Mockler and Lon Cyr.
These team members have worked collaboratively with the State Fire Marshalls Office, the Presque Isle & Mapleton JFIS teams, and concerned parents, to lesson the impact of Juvenile firesetting behaviors in children throughout Aroostook County.
Any questions regarding this program please feel free to contact the Caribou Fire & Ambulance Department at (207)493-4204 between the hours of 8am and 4pm.